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Educational Support

(1) 학부 교육특성화/ Specialization in Bachelor-program Education


- 교통특성화 프로그램 및 교재 개발

- 교통건축 전문가 교육참여 및 특강 프로그램 개발

- 기업탐방, 전시 및 박람회 참가, 건축답사 등 현장체험

- 교통건축 건축공모전

- Transportation Specialized Program and Textbook Development

- Develop of Participation of Transportation Architecture Expertise in Education and Special Lecture Program

- Field Trip such as Exploring Industries, Participating in Exhibition and Related Fairs, Site Excursions

- Organize Transportation Architecture Design Competition


(2) 대학원 연구특성화/ Specialization in Master-program Research


- 일반대학원 및 산업대학원 특성화로 학부교육지원

- 산관학연 연구과제 발굴 및 수행

- 학연협동과정 발굴


- Support Bachelor-program by Specialization of Graduate Schools

- Establishment and Execution of Research Projects via Cooperative Institutions and Labs

- Establish Academic-Institution Cooperative Master Program


(3) 취·창업지원/ Employment and Start-up Support


- 현장실습 프로그램 지원

- 취업박람회 및 특성화 취업지원


- Support of Field Practice Program

- Participate in Employment Exhibition and Specialized Employment Support


(4) 국제교류/ International Exchange


- 해외대학연계 국제 워크삽 및 세미나 프로그램 개발

- 학, 석사과정 교환학생프로그램 지원

- 교통분야 국제 컨퍼런스 참여


- Develop International Workshop and Seminar Program that links Foreign Universities

- Support of Exchange Student Program for Bachelor's and Master's degree

- Participate in International Conference in Transportation Related Fields


(5) 실무자 재교육/ Retrain Practitioner


- 교통건축분야 건축사 실무교육 실시

- 교통건축분야 엔지니어 실무교육 실시


- Provide the Architects Practical Training for in the Field of Transportation Architecture

- provide the Engineers Training for in the Fideld of Transportation Architecture


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